____ ____ / ) | . \ / ___ OLDEN | . < YTE \____) |____/ ____ ____ ____ | . \ | . \ \ / | . < | . < _\ \ |____/ |____/ \___\ A W A R D S Compiled By Sigma Alpha Here are the list of nominations for the /\/\|GGYBYTE BBS Awards, that you the readers have voted for. Golden Sysop Award ================== This award goes to the most helpful sysop out there, the kind of sysop that answers all your mail and answers your pages, and gives you good advice for all your comm's needs. ------------------------------------ Nominations for Golden Sysop Award ------------------------------------ Peter Kirby = 16 ( Alternative World ) Rob Dale = 8 ( Darkside ) Tom Pereira = 5 ( The Last Tango ) Ben Gaunt = 1 ( Channel X ) Ed = 1 ( Parliament Of Rooks ) Stephen Anderson = 1 ( Amiga Junction 9 ) ------------------------------------ Golden Byte Award ================= This award is for the best looking BBS, this can be for many reasons if it has the best looking ansi's or it has the biggest range of files and/or message base, or it just has a certain feel to it that you like above other BBS's. ------------------------------------ Nominations for Golden byte Award ------------------------------------ Darkside = 7 Slimelite = 6 TestDrive = 6 The Last Tango = 4 Channel X = 3 Alternative World = 2 The Machine = 2 Waltons Mountain = 2 Parliament Of Rooks = 1 ------------------------------------ Winners : ******************************************************* Golden Sysop Award = Peter Kirby ( Alternative World ) ******************************************************* After reading the votes the most common reason for voting for Pete was his ability to solve his users problems easily and with the least amount of fuss. ******************************************************* Golden Byte Award = Darkside BBS ( Rob Dale ) ******************************************************* The most common reason for Darkside being the best bbs, was the range of file and message bases. Also his style of menus was mentioned quite a bit and that he had been serving his users for such a long time, always keeping the same high standard of service that his bbs has come to offer over the time. So well done to you two feel free to advertise the fact that you have been voted by your users as the crem d'la crem in the comm's world. I did receive a vote for the worst Sysop, this is not the sort of thing that we want for /\/\|GGYBYTE. At the time it did seem rather funny as most of the BarNet readers had a dig at this sysop for what ever reasons anyway I will not reveal his whole name but I think most of you know Mr Harris? But anyway no more votes like this please as it is not fair to the sysop's. If you would like to vote for the next issue then please netmail me at any of my network address (See Contacting Editors). Votes should look like this : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Golden Sysop Award Your Name : Your E-Mail : Sysop's Name : Sysop's BBS : BBS Number : Why is the sysop So Great? : Golden Byte Award Your Name : Your E-Mail : BBS Name : Sysop's name : BBS Number : Why is the bbs so good? : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - You can vote for either one or the other it's up to you, but please vote make sure that the sysop's out there no that they are appreciated. END ===